Podcast: Positive Lessons of Online Teaching
Podcast: Positive Lessons of Online Teaching
What are the positive lessons we learned as a result of teaching online during the pandemic? How can teachers benefit from the current situation and be better prepared for the fall semester? Our experts share their views on the present and future of teaching languages.
We interviewed three experts in online and hybrid language teaching:
Shannon Spasova (Michigan State University),
Liudmila Klimanova (the University of Arizona), and
Olga KIimova (University of Pittsburgh)
Podcast citation: “Positive Lessons of Online Teaching.” Foreign Language Teaching Podcast, from TeachRussian.org, 03 July 2020,
Podcast host Izolda (Iza) Savenkova is a Visiting Assistant Scholar at Dickinson College, PA.
Podcast is created by Evgeny Dengub for www.TeachRussian.org